Saturday, March 8, 2008


Dear all

Another Parent-teacher meeting, you all lamented last evening. What's the point? Same old comments and complaints from teachers. Such a fruitless exercise. Was it? I wonder . . .

I was glad I had the opportunity to meet some of your parents. I was happy that many parents made time to be with their children at a school function, or any occasion for that matter. I saw some of you holding the hands of your mothers and fathers, and parents with arms thrown over the shoulders of their darling ones. It brought warmth to my heart . . . You may be 16 year-olds, but you will always be your parents' children. Did you not hear the concerned voices of your mums and dads as they spoke with us teachers? How they want you to have a secure future and lives that are better than theirs?

I know. I was once your age. Words can hurt . . . but then, attitudes can heal! Maybe for a change, you might want to see things from their points of view, and do a little soul-searching. It might not be a bad idea if you try and meet them along the way to resolve differences.

Many of you opined that it would take too much to change. The bad grammar is ingrained in you, you said. You are simply no good with numbers . . .

Have courage, people!

"Courage does not always roar.
Sometimes it is the quiet voice
at the end of the day saying
"I will try again tomorrow."
- Mary Anne Radmacher-Hershey -

Ms Quan

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