Monday, May 3, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Not that any of you are mothers yet. But Happy Mother's Day to all your mothers and I wish you a nice respite from your work and studies so that you could have a nice meal or time with your families this week!

Wow, my last post was like eons ago. Too caught up with life elswhere from HIHS. But no, you are not out of mind! Sometimes when I teach my lot at my current school, I do share with my students about you all --- that there are nice students out there who make it a point to have a life out of school and have hearts for beyond rat-race goals. In other words, I miss you all every now and then! Haha!

I am presently enjoying a heavenly long weekend before the onslaught of the mid-year exam markings. I find that age is catching up with me, and it takes so much less to tire me out these days.But I have been a good girl (as usual!!) --- not letting age be an excuse not to give the things I undertake my utmost best effort! Erhem . . .! I must mention that I even manage to squeeze in some exercise time to destress. Quite proud of myself. I have the old folks at the gym that I am working out at to thank: how they manage to pound away at the treadmills, lift weights and persevere at no-joke workouts just put me in perpective or on my want-to-give-up days, shame me into putting on my exercise shoes! Nothing like good role models!

Then this Mother's Day, I had a wonderful makan cooked up by a wonderful man for all the mothers in the family. Times like these remind me that life is good.