Today, the kids and I partied with old friends who go back 13 years when the little ones danced ballet together as 4 year-olds. Although we meet like only a couple of times a year, we have faithfully kept in touch over happy and sad occasions and remembered one another during important events. One family among us in particular has diligently initiated gatherings of sorts to encourage the much appreciated fellowhip over the years. The rest of us made time to meet no matter how busy we are. When you have friends like these, you feel so blessed. The children and adults see how frendship can withstand the test of time and I think that this kind of affirmation anchors one so much in our largely very volatile life.
I had a very Merry Christmas today. Hope that you all had a good time today too. Best wishes for the New Year!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas one and all! Here's wishing you a wonderful holiday season what with Christmas, New Year's Day and Chinese New Year (and Valentine's Day on the same day!) all so close to one another. I also wish you all a meaningful time of being together with loved ones to reflect on life on the year that will soon past and the year that looms ahead. Read in the papers about the Christmas wish that was reportedly made by a less privileged member of our community? All this homemaker wants is a saucepan so that she might cook with it!! So what kind of people are we to look upon with disdain simple presents given to us and haggling for expensive ones?
Do think about the more important things in life and let's prioritise our goals sensibly.
Do think about the more important things in life and let's prioritise our goals sensibly.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Tell you a funny thing: one of my growing up male offspring said that two pretty Korean girls waved to him not once, but twice at their international school when he was there for a basketball match. What do you make of it? I was cruel, I said that they probably had the sun in their eyes and waved to him against their better judgements. Or maybe they were just elated to meet another one of their single-eyelid kind. Hahaaaaa! The things teenagers get so easily smitten with . . .
Friday, December 11, 2009
The Human Factor
My Mum's hospitalised again. So counting the almost back-to-back 2 other medical episodes in the family, I've been spending most of the past 3 weeks in 3 different hospitals in Singapore. As usual, I continue to be amazed by the behaviour of people at hospitals. This time, I observed that some people are just cut out to be doctors and others nurses, physiotherapists etc. They just have that sunshine personality and patience that lift the spirits of even the most pessimistic and difficult of patients. There are of course the glum doctors who are real turn-offs. Bad hair-days only, I hope! My top praises are saved for the nurses, who God bless them, ever so cheerfully fetch and empty bed-pans, change dirty adult diapers, tend to very sick patients and yet find it within them to wear smiles on their faces. So listen up, you nurses of Integrity 2008: your noble vocation is hereby acknowledged and given credit for!! Then I also noticed the dynamics of kith and kin in action at hospital bedsides. You have no idea how touching it is to see 50 to 60 year-old children tending to their sick parents ---- feeding them, massaging them, caressing and hugging them even when their loved ones are clearly in semi-comatose, heavily sedated or very advanced in their ailments. Some children were clearly not on speaking terms with one another, but thankfully these few days, the ones I saw in Mum's wards are still very loving to their sick parents. Finally, of course I have to mention the good-looking medical personnel who feature in my hospital episodes. Today, a hunkidory of a very young and handsome physiotherapist tended to Mum, explaining to her all the light exercises that she ought to embark on upon discharge from the hospital. SIGHHHHH . . . . so many handsome young men. . . . so little of the youth left in me!!!!
Touch wood. Looking forward to Mum's speedy recovery! Will see to the young one's textbooks next week and then it's Merry Christmas! The 2 holiday-working ones have been chosen to foot a buffet treat for all in the family! I am looking forward to pay-back time. Hahahaaaaaaa!
Touch wood. Looking forward to Mum's speedy recovery! Will see to the young one's textbooks next week and then it's Merry Christmas! The 2 holiday-working ones have been chosen to foot a buffet treat for all in the family! I am looking forward to pay-back time. Hahahaaaaaaa!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
No, no, not anything related to Roald Dahl's "Skin". Haha! Finally got round to getting our IntegrityUnited blog a new skin! Why the pier? Well . . . firstly, the pic's nice and secondly, the life buoys kinda symbolise what I want each and everyone of you to be --- life-savers in your own special ways! Neat huh?
Now, how about some updates, everyone?
I'll start. Academic year 2009 has been a whole new learning experience for me. Tiring but kept me on my toes mentally (digits and brains?! Get it??) And I've decided to renew my contract for another year at the same school. At the family front, changes are unfolding at rapid pace. I guess I should be thankful that generally life has been relatively kind to me. There was one prom night that had to be seen to on a grand scale, and then a couple of my 6 took vacation jobs this hols while one did well enough to pay her way through school for 2010. There were 2 who had hospital (again!) experiences within 3 weeks of each other. In between all the medical emergencies, chauffering and waiting up past 2 a.m for the part-time holiday workers, and minding the remaining wild and restless younger ones, I managed to catch up on watching movies and reading books. Most amazing of all, I found time to re-visit the gym. I have lost 900 grammes so far. I know, pathetic amount, but hey it's a start!! The old foggies there are still plodding conscientiously at their routines and of course everyone remembers me as the delinquent and absent one! I also found time to take the 6 to the beach to fly kites, jog, work our cameras, and just have fun. School books and academic work can wait!
What about you all? Blog!
Ms Q
Now, how about some updates, everyone?
I'll start. Academic year 2009 has been a whole new learning experience for me. Tiring but kept me on my toes mentally (digits and brains?! Get it??) And I've decided to renew my contract for another year at the same school. At the family front, changes are unfolding at rapid pace. I guess I should be thankful that generally life has been relatively kind to me. There was one prom night that had to be seen to on a grand scale, and then a couple of my 6 took vacation jobs this hols while one did well enough to pay her way through school for 2010. There were 2 who had hospital (again!) experiences within 3 weeks of each other. In between all the medical emergencies, chauffering and waiting up past 2 a.m for the part-time holiday workers, and minding the remaining wild and restless younger ones, I managed to catch up on watching movies and reading books. Most amazing of all, I found time to re-visit the gym. I have lost 900 grammes so far. I know, pathetic amount, but hey it's a start!! The old foggies there are still plodding conscientiously at their routines and of course everyone remembers me as the delinquent and absent one! I also found time to take the 6 to the beach to fly kites, jog, work our cameras, and just have fun. School books and academic work can wait!
What about you all? Blog!
Ms Q
Monday, September 28, 2009
Class Chalet
Hello, Class chalet details are comfirmed.
Date is 6 - 9 october.
More details coming up.
Date is 6 - 9 october.
More details coming up.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
If you ever visit the Bedok Hawker centre at Block 57, Upper Changi Road, you must patronise the Siglap Road Fried Carrot Cake stall for the very scruptious 'chye tao guay'. While there, you might want to appreciate the very stoic Mrs of the stall, a plump elderly lady who stands before her huge frying pan uncomplainingly, dishing out countless orders of white / dark carrot, 'ai hiam, 'mai hiam', 'mai chang', 'mai neng' and so on as the husband yells out to her the individualised orders. Theirs, I've observed, is a very peculiar relationship; no doubt years of familiarity must have bred some contempt between them, for the Mrs does not talk to the husband at all. As she fries the carrot cake, she just listens to the orders he shouts out to her, never once asking that he repeats them, nor showing any kinds of reactions. She stands unflinchingly, a picture of calm composure, with her neatly-dorn apron and solid Crocs. And you know what, in all the years that I've watched her at work, she has never once got an order wrong. So much for 'Going the Extra Mile with a smile' efficiency that we crave to inculcate in our service sector. Her stoic attitude may not win her poster woman status, but hey, the stall is run super-efficient with just a silent-couple team!
The husband is a different plate altogether. He is prone to being riled by impatient customers, the heat in the hawker centre and fussy orders. But with the Mrs, I've seen him
exercising a great deal of courtesy and patience. He repeats long lists of orders to her and does not ask for her acknowledgement. Every now and then he would shout out reminders to her. Still, she would stand at her frying pan doing her stuff, with nary a word, grunt nor mutter. Thus their small business have gone on and on in this manner . . .
I've learnt a thing or two from the 'chye tao guay' Mrs. Being stoic may not be a bad thing; reponses are not called-for always. Silent is the new loud.
The husband is a different plate altogether. He is prone to being riled by impatient customers, the heat in the hawker centre and fussy orders. But with the Mrs, I've seen him
exercising a great deal of courtesy and patience. He repeats long lists of orders to her and does not ask for her acknowledgement. Every now and then he would shout out reminders to her. Still, she would stand at her frying pan doing her stuff, with nary a word, grunt nor mutter. Thus their small business have gone on and on in this manner . . .
I've learnt a thing or two from the 'chye tao guay' Mrs. Being stoic may not be a bad thing; reponses are not called-for always. Silent is the new loud.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
It's Ramadan and the streets of Geylang Serai are brightly lit and festooned all over with Hari Raya lights and decorations. I am thinking of Lenson, Minghui, Ivan, Stephen, Koon Tat --- that they should all be out with their cameras busy snapping away. Am wondering if JC and Poly life have changed your interest in photography? One of the daughters has been at me again to get her a high-end camera when she does well for her major exam. Maybe I would, considering the fun I detect in you photo buffs when you go about your love.
Meantime, though the Hari Raya pasar malam stalls and 7th month getais are beckoning as needed breaks from school work, I am still struggling with tonnes of marking. The GCE 'O' level Oral Exams are still not over yet, so it's a very relentless part of Term 3 that I am in the midst of! Just to bring back memories of "Bar-bar-ra" that confounded some of you in the 2008 Orals, this year it was "Simon". Hahaaaaaa . . . I leave it to your imagination, the awful mispronunciation!
Meantime, though the Hari Raya pasar malam stalls and 7th month getais are beckoning as needed breaks from school work, I am still struggling with tonnes of marking. The GCE 'O' level Oral Exams are still not over yet, so it's a very relentless part of Term 3 that I am in the midst of! Just to bring back memories of "Bar-bar-ra" that confounded some of you in the 2008 Orals, this year it was "Simon". Hahaaaaaa . . . I leave it to your imagination, the awful mispronunciation!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Boys Over Flowers and Long Live Singapore!
I'm at a silly phase . . . giving myself deserved breaks from marking by indulging in K-dramas and oo-ing and aa-ing over cute Korean guys! Talk about mid-life crisis! Okay, you people can laugh yourself silly! On the other hand, the TV episodes do provide nice bonding sessions for the children (the girls, mainly)and I. It's quite something to swoon together with your almost-half-a-century Mum over your favourite handsome Korean actors, and act petulant together when your idol gets cosy with the female star! We laugh at how it would perhaps make better sense for some actor to best remember to dye his eyebrows as well when he colours his hair; and oh,I nearly got shoved off the sofa when I commented how one of the daughter's eye candy resemble the neighhourhood Beng durian seller, complete with his bean-pole physique and long tress cum fringe. Haha! Generation-gap, my foot! I was just being irritating. I fully empathasise with teenage crushes and muses.
Tomorrow's (oops! It's actually today considering it's now past 1 am) Singapore's
44th birthday! Happy Birthday, my country ! I remain one of your greatest admirer and supporter. Yep, with all your little imperfections, precociousness,uptightness, and some say heavily made-over efficient facade, I love you!! Even the 42.9% non-Singaporeans in our household salute you!
Monday's a school holiday! Hip hip hurray for the long weekend! I wish you an enjoyable break!
Tomorrow's (oops! It's actually today considering it's now past 1 am) Singapore's
44th birthday! Happy Birthday, my country ! I remain one of your greatest admirer and supporter. Yep, with all your little imperfections, precociousness,uptightness, and some say heavily made-over efficient facade, I love you!! Even the 42.9% non-Singaporeans in our household salute you!
Monday's a school holiday! Hip hip hurray for the long weekend! I wish you an enjoyable break!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Hello one and all! It has been a very hectic and busy term 3 for me so far. Hope that you are enjoying a better pace of life than I am, . . . wherever you all are studying at!
Just to share with you. After the paper plane episode, it's been 'mealworm time" for us at our household. Yes, . . . one young one had to observe and study the life cycle of mealworms, and we therefore had to keep them . . . lots of them!! Yesterday, some of these things developed into pupae and that got everyone in the family all excited. I am thankful that his Science teacher had set him off to study these relatively small living things!
Then I had to struggle with the existence of the "tooth fairy" with the same young one whose milk teeth have been dropping like nobody's business. I did not remember having to try so hard with the older ones before him. SIGH! They sure do not make kids like they used to!
On a lighter note, just the other day, a Chinese foreign lady residing near me requested that I loan her my clothesline to hang her bedsheets. I was tickled! Culture assimilation hiccups. Then again, I sure must have looked hell of a friendly. What next? Borrow my Significant Other? Haha!
Just to share with you. After the paper plane episode, it's been 'mealworm time" for us at our household. Yes, . . . one young one had to observe and study the life cycle of mealworms, and we therefore had to keep them . . . lots of them!! Yesterday, some of these things developed into pupae and that got everyone in the family all excited. I am thankful that his Science teacher had set him off to study these relatively small living things!
Then I had to struggle with the existence of the "tooth fairy" with the same young one whose milk teeth have been dropping like nobody's business. I did not remember having to try so hard with the older ones before him. SIGH! They sure do not make kids like they used to!
On a lighter note, just the other day, a Chinese foreign lady residing near me requested that I loan her my clothesline to hang her bedsheets. I was tickled! Culture assimilation hiccups. Then again, I sure must have looked hell of a friendly. What next? Borrow my Significant Other? Haha!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Down and out
Okay, I, the indomitable Ms Q, am down and out with acute flu . . . no, no, not of the H1N1 variety! But nonetheless lethal enough to knock me off my feet for two days running now! I had a raging fever, sore throat and cough and had to be off school for two days! The 6 had to manage on auto-pilot mode mainly and my guess is I'll have to undo a lot of damages once I'm back on my feet again.
Just to share with you: Do you know that as a patient screened with high fever, I get priority in seeing a flu clinic doctor at the polyclinic? My visit to the clinic took all of only 25 minutes, including the dispensing of medication. Wow! That's uber-fast! And as usual, I met the nicest of people at these medical establishments. Erhem ... this time round, a very nice and polite young man manned the screening station at the clinc entrance, and boy was he super enthusiastic and warm to all and sundry who streamed in! I even overheard him volunteering translation services to the elderly at the pharmacy counter. Bless him! He had ear-piercings and some might say he is a trite effeminate. But in my eyes .... he was simply a very welcomed sight for the sick.
Just to share with you: Do you know that as a patient screened with high fever, I get priority in seeing a flu clinic doctor at the polyclinic? My visit to the clinic took all of only 25 minutes, including the dispensing of medication. Wow! That's uber-fast! And as usual, I met the nicest of people at these medical establishments. Erhem ... this time round, a very nice and polite young man manned the screening station at the clinc entrance, and boy was he super enthusiastic and warm to all and sundry who streamed in! I even overheard him volunteering translation services to the elderly at the pharmacy counter. Bless him! He had ear-piercings and some might say he is a trite effeminate. But in my eyes .... he was simply a very welcomed sight for the sick.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Vagabond resighted
Remember the old vagabond who walks around in my neighbourhood with his possessions on his shoulders? Well, he 'disappeared' for a while; but is now back. He does not look too good --- gaunt and less spirited by my reckoning. His barang-barang is considerably less; perhaps he just cannot handle the old heavy load anymore. But what troubled me was that he is walking around these days sans footwear! I just cringe when I imagine how his feet must hurt when the relentless sun scorch our metalled road and pavement to unforgiving temperatures!
I finally found time to approach him when I next sighted him to offer him a pair of slippers. My daughter who was beside me was a little worried if the old man might be mentally unsound (as we suspect!)and harm me in retaliation for my nosiness. Our fears were unfounded. The grouchy vagabond brushed aside my offer and grunted that he was better off minus footwear as his feet were swollen and hurting.
So that's that. I feel much better now when I see him walking slowly in the neighbourhood.
I finally found time to approach him when I next sighted him to offer him a pair of slippers. My daughter who was beside me was a little worried if the old man might be mentally unsound (as we suspect!)and harm me in retaliation for my nosiness. Our fears were unfounded. The grouchy vagabond brushed aside my offer and grunted that he was better off minus footwear as his feet were swollen and hurting.
So that's that. I feel much better now when I see him walking slowly in the neighbourhood.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Happy Youth Day!
Have a very Happy Youth Day this Sunday, one and all! Celebrate the prime years of your life and have a ball of a time! I know . . . the H1N1 virus is wreaking havoc at many fronts; but do learn how to make the best use of the situation. You have to take the necessary precautions of course and not be foolish with unnecessary exposure to the virus.
Yesterday son number 3 reminded me of the care-free spirit of youth. There was to be a paper aeroplane flying contest in his class, and for one whole day, he researched and pondered on his model plane entry. Finally, he proudly showed me his Prototype Two plane, complete with well-thought over modifications to the plane wings, tip and under-belly. He very seriously explained to me his adjustments to accomodate air-dynamics, gravity and aesthetics. Well, . . . for a 9 year-old, he sure spoke a lot of scientific sense. I laughed . . . so like 'brainiac' to undertake every set school project with full enthusiasm and to the best of his ability.
Brainiac flew his prized Prototype and it chalked up the longest distance in the class competition! We were all very proud of him. YOUTH --- its raw energy, untainted naiveity and unabashed openness to having fun are reminders to all of us that life is enjoyable if we set ourselves free sometimes!
Yesterday son number 3 reminded me of the care-free spirit of youth. There was to be a paper aeroplane flying contest in his class, and for one whole day, he researched and pondered on his model plane entry. Finally, he proudly showed me his Prototype Two plane, complete with well-thought over modifications to the plane wings, tip and under-belly. He very seriously explained to me his adjustments to accomodate air-dynamics, gravity and aesthetics. Well, . . . for a 9 year-old, he sure spoke a lot of scientific sense. I laughed . . . so like 'brainiac' to undertake every set school project with full enthusiasm and to the best of his ability.
Brainiac flew his prized Prototype and it chalked up the longest distance in the class competition! We were all very proud of him. YOUTH --- its raw energy, untainted naiveity and unabashed openness to having fun are reminders to all of us that life is enjoyable if we set ourselves free sometimes!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I mourn the passing of the father of counselling, the late Mr Anthony Yeo. I have always admired the likes of him --- individuals who make the unburdening of troubled souls their calling in life. How many of us even bother to listen to our loved ones, not to mention even try to share in their trials and tribulations?
Then yesterday, one of the daughter's friend's father lost his fight with stomach cancer. I can imagine what a loss this sole-bread winner would mean to his wife and very young children. I asked my 6 if they were ready to lose me at this point of their lives. Some said yes, others gave nervous laughter and a couple brushed off my silly rantings. The late Mr Anthony Yeo said that he was ready for eternal rest with his Maker; I want to be able to say that when my time comes.
Then yesterday, one of the daughter's friend's father lost his fight with stomach cancer. I can imagine what a loss this sole-bread winner would mean to his wife and very young children. I asked my 6 if they were ready to lose me at this point of their lives. Some said yes, others gave nervous laughter and a couple brushed off my silly rantings. The late Mr Anthony Yeo said that he was ready for eternal rest with his Maker; I want to be able to say that when my time comes.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Of actors, actresses and "carlafays"
Yesterday was a fun-filled whole-family-hands-on day. For her school project, one of the daughters needed to make a short movie and naturally our family was the defacto acting pool. You name it, we were it -- main actors, actresses, characters when they were young to characters 15 years later, parents, drunkards, background crowd etc. We also chipped in to do the make-up, procure the necessary props and like real, ..... we had storyboards, lighting effects and what it took to make a fairly decent short movie. Passers-by at our outdoor shoot venue even mistook us for some Mediacorp outfit! Haha! It was really fun! I even mangaged to squeeze in some school prep work in between acting,being tea lady, lunch provider and chauffeur to all and sundry. The day was well-spent.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Half-way reflection
Half of 2009 has just zipped by. I give thanks for a largely blessed year of teaching at a new environment and growing-up-with-the-kids at home. I learnt a good plenty this half of the year --- how to be even more disciplined with my life and how to ride everything that comes along with added measured patience. There are still many things I would love to turn out better, .... but well .... there is still another half of the year and it would be there for my taking with a better outlook and handling! I see the 6 growing up furiously fast --- each with their distinctive personality. I pray each day that they might eschew every experience that they encounter with compassion, integrity and genuine enjoyment of what they do. I have seen far too many souls -- young and old --- who go about aimlessly with emptiness in their lives. What a waste of living! Students dying in every sense of the word, chasing grades; adults too busy chasing their dollars and cents to raise their own kids; youngsters engaging in debauchery in the name of being cool ----- aiyah, wake up, people!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Don't say never blog ah Ivan =)
Schools going well for me, kinda relieve to see familiar faces in school once in awhile .
Foods nice... heh
Anyway, what say we go out one day for a movie or sort? Been long since we met up huh?
Star trek anyone? =D
Schools going well for me, kinda relieve to see familiar faces in school once in awhile .
Foods nice... heh
Anyway, what say we go out one day for a movie or sort? Been long since we met up huh?
Star trek anyone? =D
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Done with the Marking
Okay, people, I'm finally done with the MYE EL marking. Now for the Lit scripts that will soon come in tomorrow! You know, the voluminous marking is the not-so-fun bit about teaching. We all know that assessment is integral to, for and as learning, but hey, teachers all over the world would appreciate a more manageable volume given other responsibilities.
Anyway, that's just rambling from one tired but relieved teacher (till tomorrow, that is!). So, how did this year's Mother's Day go? Just to make you envious AGAIN, I thought I would share that this year, I got to sleep in late on Mother's Day, and the 6 prepared me a full American breakfast --- sausages, scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, orange juice. I even had the Straits Times thrown in and 6 lovely hand-made cards of course! Haha! My kids are so terrified of this evil Mum. I tick off against their names in my little black book you know, and promise to pay-it-forward in my grey years! Muahahaaaaaaa!!!! I hope that you all had a nice day with your Mum and family too. Mothers are God's greatest creations, you know! Hah,.... self-praise!
How are all your studies going on? Any marked changed in your social life since you flew the Secondary school coop? Like I tagged in my C-box, I miss my days at HIHS. The Christian set-up is one thing; the other is the zanier lot of teachers and students.
Okay, signing off now .... abruptly. Got to do the chauffeur-thingey for one in the herd. Catch up with you all again another time.
Keep Well!
Anyway, that's just rambling from one tired but relieved teacher (till tomorrow, that is!). So, how did this year's Mother's Day go? Just to make you envious AGAIN, I thought I would share that this year, I got to sleep in late on Mother's Day, and the 6 prepared me a full American breakfast --- sausages, scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, orange juice. I even had the Straits Times thrown in and 6 lovely hand-made cards of course! Haha! My kids are so terrified of this evil Mum. I tick off against their names in my little black book you know, and promise to pay-it-forward in my grey years! Muahahaaaaaaa!!!! I hope that you all had a nice day with your Mum and family too. Mothers are God's greatest creations, you know! Hah,.... self-praise!
How are all your studies going on? Any marked changed in your social life since you flew the Secondary school coop? Like I tagged in my C-box, I miss my days at HIHS. The Christian set-up is one thing; the other is the zanier lot of teachers and students.
Okay, signing off now .... abruptly. Got to do the chauffeur-thingey for one in the herd. Catch up with you all again another time.
Keep Well!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Ok, today is View™ birthday. Happy Birthday! Not like someone forget mine -.-(cough*)
Alright, yesterday got 4INT outing! Met up with View Meng at senkang Mrt station, saw Jun Han there too. He was waiting for Malvin so we left first, and that View Meng, go and shortform Harbourfront station to HF station. Then some of them though it as Hougang station. So reached Harbourfront station on time, Hui Joo was there already. Surprise la, we though we are the first two that reach there. But nvm, even more shocking, Xue Ee and Jemaine are inside vivocity shopping liao! Then Wan Ting and Koon Tat appear soon later. So we have to wait for the others to come, wait wait wait, 1 hour 30 mins then everybody came. Except for Ming Hui lar, cause he got Reason one!(KOON TAT hor!) LOL, so we took the monorial to sentosa. Reach there already going lunch time liao, but heck! We continue play vollyball, then touch rugby then go swim. Elaine claim that she was a Pro in vollyball, but then she like stand there counting the score, and not doing anything. Haha xD. So we went back to Vivocity at around 3.30pm, was dead tired by then. Actually we're going to catch a movie, but then turn out go "shopping". Hungry already, went to Kopitiam see got what thing to eat, then walk one round. Airil dont have a choice there, so went to Banquet to eat instead. Nowadays, shopping centre food are expensive. After lunch, which is like 4pm. We all went our own ways, some go shopping, some went home, some went out. =D That's about it for our 2nd Sentosa outing this year.

Koon Tat and Ming Hui

View Meng and LiJing

Aril: Yo! What sup man.

Alvin: What lar, I very suai also no need take right! >=D

Malvin: Sian lar, no chio bu here! >=[

Chun Hwee: Hehe ^.^

Elaine:(Pls type caption here)

Jun Han: Wah, the sky got money drop down. xD
Alright, yesterday got 4INT outing! Met up with View Meng at senkang Mrt station, saw Jun Han there too. He was waiting for Malvin so we left first, and that View Meng, go and shortform Harbourfront station to HF station. Then some of them though it as Hougang station. So reached Harbourfront station on time, Hui Joo was there already. Surprise la, we though we are the first two that reach there. But nvm, even more shocking, Xue Ee and Jemaine are inside vivocity shopping liao! Then Wan Ting and Koon Tat appear soon later. So we have to wait for the others to come, wait wait wait, 1 hour 30 mins then everybody came. Except for Ming Hui lar, cause he got Reason one!(KOON TAT hor!) LOL, so we took the monorial to sentosa. Reach there already going lunch time liao, but heck! We continue play vollyball, then touch rugby then go swim. Elaine claim that she was a Pro in vollyball, but then she like stand there counting the score, and not doing anything. Haha xD. So we went back to Vivocity at around 3.30pm, was dead tired by then. Actually we're going to catch a movie, but then turn out go "shopping". Hungry already, went to Kopitiam see got what thing to eat, then walk one round. Airil dont have a choice there, so went to Banquet to eat instead. Nowadays, shopping centre food are expensive. After lunch, which is like 4pm. We all went our own ways, some go shopping, some went home, some went out. =D That's about it for our 2nd Sentosa outing this year.
Koon Tat and Ming Hui
View Meng and LiJing
Aril: Yo! What sup man.
Alvin: What lar, I very suai also no need take right! >=D
Malvin: Sian lar, no chio bu here! >=[
Chun Hwee: Hehe ^.^
Elaine:(Pls type caption here)
Jun Han: Wah, the sky got money drop down. xD
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Yosh people!
Hows life huh? Hope its going great for you guys!
Okay, theres gona be a Sentosa outing for us peeps nxt wed, which is the 8th of April!
We shall meet at early early there and go back late late HAHA!
I hope you guys can go , yeap!
Till then!
Hows life huh? Hope its going great for you guys!
Okay, theres gona be a Sentosa outing for us peeps nxt wed, which is the 8th of April!
We shall meet at early early there and go back late late HAHA!
I hope you guys can go , yeap!
Till then!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Earth Hour
We agreed days before that we should do our part to save Earth and switch off all unnecessay power during Earth Hour (8.30pm to 9.30pm)on 28 March 2008. Oops, I was busy marking away and everyone else doing their own stuff when number 5 yelled that Earth Hour had already descended on us! It was 9.00pm! Frantically, we took out the candles, switched off all the house lights and sheepishly tried to do our bit for Mother Earth. One of the daughters had to shower in candlelight. The rest of us soaked in the ambience of the unfamiliar but otherwise quite romantic atmosphere. We noticed that most in our neighbourhood were not observing the occasion. The Significant Other had to spoil it all by barging home, a hungy and angry man, not to be stopped by Earth Hour in his quest to fix a quick meal!! So it was lights on in the kitchen . . . sigh!
Okay ... so we all know that it was a mere token observence and reminder of a bigger issue ---- that we must conserve energy and be mindful of caring for our Earth. I did my nagging bit of course; reminded everyone to use the heater and air-conditioning with prudence, to reuse and recycle as much as we can. Nope, I rejected the not-bathing-so-often suggestion. Nice try, kids!!
Okay ... so we all know that it was a mere token observence and reminder of a bigger issue ---- that we must conserve energy and be mindful of caring for our Earth. I did my nagging bit of course; reminded everyone to use the heater and air-conditioning with prudence, to reuse and recycle as much as we can. Nope, I rejected the not-bathing-so-often suggestion. Nice try, kids!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Missing wit and humour
I felt a void today. Suddenly missed the wit and humour of some of my colleagues from HIHS. Kind of also wished that sometimes religion could be the anchor that lost souls look to for stability.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Anger Management
The weather has been incredibly hot and humid lately, and it is really quite torturous for students and teachers alike to sit out long hours in classrooms. But still, there is no excuse for anyone to dispense with manners and civilities. Really! Today, two of my students almost fought over classroom cleaning duties. Why? Just because one of them would not thank the other for helping out, and insist on being inflexible about assigned duties. Haiz . . . I can understand why there would always be wars in our world!
When everything is cooler, including the weather, I shall have to sit the students down for a good talk.
I detect so much anger in people these days. Not a good thing. We 'explode' at the slightest agitation, and have no patience to consider others' feelings and viewpoints.
When everything is cooler, including the weather, I shall have to sit the students down for a good talk.
I detect so much anger in people these days. Not a good thing. We 'explode' at the slightest agitation, and have no patience to consider others' feelings and viewpoints.
RoAd TrIp
Alright just came back from hospital. Had a very eventful day yesterday. Woke at 7 plus in the morning. Cycle to Lenson house at 8.30am, then waited for View Meng to call me. So MingHui, Lenson and Me waited until 9.30 plus then he came -.- Uber late lor. Then we started to cycle along Ubi road then pass Eunos and finally reach East Coast park. So MingHui brought along his camera, and we took pictures there. So we carry on our trip till Changi Village. In the midst, my mum call me and told me that my Grandpa had been admitted to hospital. Plan had change, so i detour to the hospital while the rest continue their journey. I got nothing much to say, so i'll just let the pictures to the work!=]

Monday, March 16, 2009
School's out!
School's out for us in Secondary and Primary schools! Finally, I can take a breather and devote some time to see to the little things that were just simply set aside amidst all the rush during the past academic term. In fact, I have just finished sewing the name tags for the boys that just wouldn't adhere by their stick-on backs, mended a couple of burst blouse sleeve seams, and caught up with the tons of ironing . . . One more basketball jersey to mend, a couple more skirt hooks to fix and all the kids' uniforms and school attire should be in order. I can't wait for all their sewing skills to reach "auto-pilot" standards so that I might "retire"!
For the next few days, I intend to catch up with some reading ---- not for work, but for pleasure; maybe go to the movies; and ah yes . . . dare I say to the gym?! Wish me the discipline to really make good use of my precious one week March hols!
For the next few days, I intend to catch up with some reading ---- not for work, but for pleasure; maybe go to the movies; and ah yes . . . dare I say to the gym?! Wish me the discipline to really make good use of my precious one week March hols!
Monday, March 9, 2009
End of Term 1 already
Wow, the Earth sure is spinning a lot faster. Can you believe it? 10 weeks of school have almost flown by and the term is almost coming to an end. How are the JC people amongst you? I understand that the Poly people are still awaiting the start of the academic year.
For me, the past couple of weeks have been really busy. Plenty of marking. Lots of fun teaching Literature and fun plays. You know me, the Drama Mama. Overall, I have enough good moments in school to balance up lousy ones.
Despite our hectic schedules, the Significant Other and I found rare moments 2 weeks back to do our parent bit for one of our daughters. You wouln't believe it: we conducted a sushi-making session for about 35 Secondary students!! Yes, complete with power point presentations, You-tube videos and actual on-hands demonstrations. And made an impressive array of sushis too! It was hilarious --- the two of us most unlikely partners at work in a school environment! I'm sure the daughter and the two of us will remember this for a long long time! The show-off Significant Other demonstrated the power of super-sharp Sushi knives, only to sustain cuts to his own fingers. I scoffed and laughed my head off, of course!!
Now the other younger ones wonder if we could do fun things for their peers in their schools too. Like play rugby, cook (again!), sing or do craftwork! Hahaaaaaaaa!
For me, the past couple of weeks have been really busy. Plenty of marking. Lots of fun teaching Literature and fun plays. You know me, the Drama Mama. Overall, I have enough good moments in school to balance up lousy ones.
Despite our hectic schedules, the Significant Other and I found rare moments 2 weeks back to do our parent bit for one of our daughters. You wouln't believe it: we conducted a sushi-making session for about 35 Secondary students!! Yes, complete with power point presentations, You-tube videos and actual on-hands demonstrations. And made an impressive array of sushis too! It was hilarious --- the two of us most unlikely partners at work in a school environment! I'm sure the daughter and the two of us will remember this for a long long time! The show-off Significant Other demonstrated the power of super-sharp Sushi knives, only to sustain cuts to his own fingers. I scoffed and laughed my head off, of course!!
Now the other younger ones wonder if we could do fun things for their peers in their schools too. Like play rugby, cook (again!), sing or do craftwork! Hahaaaaaaaa!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentine's Day every day
Sigh! He don't send me flowers any more! Sob! Better still, he's gone across the causeway to ex-girlfriend land . . . muttered something about our relationship able to withstand the withouts of commercial Valentine's Day. Haha . . . I had you on with my pitiable opening pennings, didn't I? Nah, the Significant Other's not entirely amnesic about 14 Feb. He did the dishes super-quick for me last night and SMS-ed me sweet nothings upon reaching Malaysia. I have no complaints.
Did you guys read today's Straits Times on the inspiring real-life love stories of Singaporeans who demonstrate and experience enduring love of the most touching kind? Yes, I think that if there's anything good that would come out of this dreaded recession, it would be the realisation in many of us of the value of spending quality time with our family and loved ones. Minus all the glitterati of a clock-work booming economy and distractions of material possessions, many of us must now search for more permanent and meaningful purposes that make a difference to our existence.
Maybe you are still too young to feel this round of recession. Then again, maybe not. Have you cause yet to take serious stock of your life as you see many around you grapple with burgeoning financial difficulties and related woes?
Did you guys read today's Straits Times on the inspiring real-life love stories of Singaporeans who demonstrate and experience enduring love of the most touching kind? Yes, I think that if there's anything good that would come out of this dreaded recession, it would be the realisation in many of us of the value of spending quality time with our family and loved ones. Minus all the glitterati of a clock-work booming economy and distractions of material possessions, many of us must now search for more permanent and meaningful purposes that make a difference to our existence.
Maybe you are still too young to feel this round of recession. Then again, maybe not. Have you cause yet to take serious stock of your life as you see many around you grapple with burgeoning financial difficulties and related woes?
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Who's gone where and doing what?
So, a few days of studies at your new tertiary institute of learning already. How goes? Who's gone where and pursuing what courses? If you've got some time, updates would be appreciated!
Commmon tests are going to start full swing for me soon . . . tons of marking. But it's been good so far. I'm having a rewarding time.
Commmon tests are going to start full swing for me soon . . . tons of marking. But it's been good so far. I'm having a rewarding time.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Eat luck!
My brother-in-law is such a jolly man and man, he can sure cook up a storm. He pampered us to a wonderful steamboat spread, 6-star nasi goreng and better-than-Chatterbox-chicken rice! My sisters and brother stayed back for his teh-si cum kueh lapis after-dinner treat, but I surrendered --- simply too full and tired to eat anymore! And one of the daughter's asthma was acting up. The littlest nephew cried bucketfuls when we bade him goodnight ---- got attached to my children, his cousins! They were having a whale of a time playing computer games, make-believe-enactments and just chatting away. One of my daughters was Milo bartender to the younger kids and young-at-heart adults, and we laughed when she shook the drinks up like it were some cocktail!
Hope that you are all having a wonderful CNY too!
Hope that you are all having a wonderful CNY too!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Okay, I think that I am over-reacting to the marks analysis for our EL. But the truth is: I am genuinely shocked that some of you underachieved. Kinda set me thinking if perhaps I had done enough . . . Was the paper really that tough and different compared to the previous year's?
My daughter thinks that I am cruel to want to pursue the matter. Hahahaaa . . . she's right you know. None of you, she says is going to want to respond to my tags. What do I expect? Crazy, ah! So people, forget what I asked about the results. I am letting go . . . Will however continue to reflect on my pedagogy.
So, a few more days to the Chinese New Year? Any new plans on visitations post-"O"s? This year, my outstation brother and family will be home to celebrate with us. It would be nice to see my littlest nephew. Bet he's grown a lot! Just last weekend, I took my brother's car for a spin. His is a certain high-end branded sports convertible. My kids and I had fun posing like cool country bumpkins in his posh vehicle. It was hilarious. My sisters laughed at our antics. We have some funny photos for posterity!
See, even adults and teachers at that, get all silly sometimes! I had fun with my sisters and mother last weekend. We paid our respects to our Dad at the columbrarian. It's been 12 years since his passing. But we still miss him sorely.
My daughter thinks that I am cruel to want to pursue the matter. Hahahaaa . . . she's right you know. None of you, she says is going to want to respond to my tags. What do I expect? Crazy, ah! So people, forget what I asked about the results. I am letting go . . . Will however continue to reflect on my pedagogy.
So, a few more days to the Chinese New Year? Any new plans on visitations post-"O"s? This year, my outstation brother and family will be home to celebrate with us. It would be nice to see my littlest nephew. Bet he's grown a lot! Just last weekend, I took my brother's car for a spin. His is a certain high-end branded sports convertible. My kids and I had fun posing like cool country bumpkins in his posh vehicle. It was hilarious. My sisters laughed at our antics. We have some funny photos for posterity!
See, even adults and teachers at that, get all silly sometimes! I had fun with my sisters and mother last weekend. We paid our respects to our Dad at the columbrarian. It's been 12 years since his passing. But we still miss him sorely.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
You responded!
Wow, three posts! I'm happy that you all are still reading and responding to the class blog. Great idea --- the Sentosa gathering! It's very true, once JC and Poly term starts, it'll be more difficult to arrange for meet-ups! Don't be pai-seh about your "o" level results. It's only one exam! You have so many more opportunities to showcase your abilities. Be cool, people! In life, please try and see the BIG picture --- enjoy your existence and have quality pursuits!!
Having said my piece about Secondary school get-togethers, I'll like to share with you that some of the more treasured friendships I hold dear to this very day are cultivated while I was in secondary school. 33 years away from secondary school, and my faithful school-mates are still arranging for CNY gatherings and school anniversary celebrations. We still celebrate our principal's birthday every year and remember our teachers on important occasions! How's that for enduring relationships?! I give thanks for my school-mates who take time to keep all of us in touch over the years, and I urge you to give your support too to View Meng and those who take the initiative to organise stuff for all!
Now to share with you a little of my reflection last evening while I wait for the clothes to dry in the tumble dryer: as I identified my EL'C' graders for after-school remedial lessons, I get students who asked if they could turn up even though they made the cut! This is a school where about 47% of the "O" level students will score distinctions for their EL Many aspire to be in the distinction half, and nobody mocks them for their aspirations. Generally, there is a consensus of respect for people who want to strive for good standards. I was telling my 6: it is not uncool to want to be the best; you owe it to yourself to maximise your potential. But I insist that academic pursuits must be balanced by a holistic partaking of other school and familial offerings. Life is meant to be enjoyed!
What I want to say to you is: your tertiary education will mark another new beginning. Why not take the time to consider how you want to make it a fantastic one for yourself?
Having said my piece about Secondary school get-togethers, I'll like to share with you that some of the more treasured friendships I hold dear to this very day are cultivated while I was in secondary school. 33 years away from secondary school, and my faithful school-mates are still arranging for CNY gatherings and school anniversary celebrations. We still celebrate our principal's birthday every year and remember our teachers on important occasions! How's that for enduring relationships?! I give thanks for my school-mates who take time to keep all of us in touch over the years, and I urge you to give your support too to View Meng and those who take the initiative to organise stuff for all!
Now to share with you a little of my reflection last evening while I wait for the clothes to dry in the tumble dryer: as I identified my EL'C' graders for after-school remedial lessons, I get students who asked if they could turn up even though they made the cut! This is a school where about 47% of the "O" level students will score distinctions for their EL Many aspire to be in the distinction half, and nobody mocks them for their aspirations. Generally, there is a consensus of respect for people who want to strive for good standards. I was telling my 6: it is not uncool to want to be the best; you owe it to yourself to maximise your potential. But I insist that academic pursuits must be balanced by a holistic partaking of other school and familial offerings. Life is meant to be enjoyed!
What I want to say to you is: your tertiary education will mark another new beginning. Why not take the time to consider how you want to make it a fantastic one for yourself?
Hello guys.
As you all know, there will be a outing on the 29th of jan.
I do hope all of us can go as it might(hopefully not) be the very last time the whole class can gather.
So hopefully you guys can inform me whether or not you guys can go on that day
For those working, there should be enough time to apply for leave.
Thanks in advance,
As you all know, there will be a outing on the 29th of jan.
I do hope all of us can go as it might(hopefully not) be the very last time the whole class can gather.
So hopefully you guys can inform me whether or not you guys can go on that day
For those working, there should be enough time to apply for leave.
Thanks in advance,
Ok, I don't know if most of you are free on the 29th for the Sentosa trip. But think about it, for those who are going JC and those going poly, will there be time for us to meet up and have class gatherings again?
Our schedules will be so tight, we might not even have time to hang out, or maybe even go drinking although we are under age :P. Not only that, some of you may be working too. So I'm hoping that most of us can make it. It might be the 4th day of the Chinese New Year, take some time off and spend it with friends. Not that I'm saying family ain't important.
Let's go for it ok? And also to sort of make up for the 4th day of the chalet which we didn't stay. Just one day of fun won't harm yea? Hope you guys will inform View Meng. Happy holidays!
Our schedules will be so tight, we might not even have time to hang out, or maybe even go drinking although we are under age :P. Not only that, some of you may be working too. So I'm hoping that most of us can make it. It might be the 4th day of the Chinese New Year, take some time off and spend it with friends. Not that I'm saying family ain't important.
Let's go for it ok? And also to sort of make up for the 4th day of the chalet which we didn't stay. Just one day of fun won't harm yea? Hope you guys will inform View Meng. Happy holidays!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Hello! I'm here to blog because I don't want Miss Quan to think I did badly haha.
Although I didn't exceed her expectations. Because I got an A1 for English and cannot exceed already. Hahaha okay now people will think I'm showing off. =(
To those that didn't get their ideal results, no point regretting and focusing on the past yea? Life is too short for regrets. =)
Anyways, would anyone want to go to Sentosa on the 29th January? It's a few weeks away so there would be time to apply for leave and all that. And JC people can go too. Contact View Meng for details. =P
Although I didn't exceed her expectations. Because I got an A1 for English and cannot exceed already. Hahaha okay now people will think I'm showing off. =(
To those that didn't get their ideal results, no point regretting and focusing on the past yea? Life is too short for regrets. =)
Anyways, would anyone want to go to Sentosa on the 29th January? It's a few weeks away so there would be time to apply for leave and all that. And JC people can go too. Contact View Meng for details. =P
Second week of school
I guess silence means that the English Language results are none too good for most of you. Anyhow, that is water under the bridge . . . And it cannot mean the end of the world. Look forward! Now's the time to choose very wisely your tertiary educational institution. Hey, new place, new friends and new experiences soon! Excited?
I'm having fun at my new school. The students are largely motivated and for the first time, I'm in an environment with more male students! Haha! Any tips for me? You would be thankful to hear this: second week of school only and my department has already administered 3 diagnostic tests, 1 Information Technology assignment, 1 spelling test, afternoon supplementary and remedial lessons! You can imagine my marking load and the tight deadline means that every night, I do laundy and marking till past midnight? Do you envy my life? Hahahaaa!
Mercifully, my kids are behaving and responding to my new schedules for them in 2009. Brainiac has decided to join his brother in Rugby, so that means that they have one another to tackle CCA after school and thence come home together. One newly initiated Sec 1 chappie surprised me with his maturity at commuting by public transport, although I had to "rescue' him one night when he slept on the bus and missed his stop! The older girls have been wonderful. For 2009, they have shown that they can handle ironing and sewing. Hmmmm . . . now to train them to wash, cook and clean house!
The Significant Other has been egging the boys on about body toning. Hahaaaaa .... something about building 6-packs and attracting girlfrends! He's bought new dumb bells for the boys, and hair gel to share when they go impress chio-gals! Tsk . . tsk....!
So when will your JAE results be made known?
Good luck, people! Another phase of your journey begins. Waste not!
I'm having fun at my new school. The students are largely motivated and for the first time, I'm in an environment with more male students! Haha! Any tips for me? You would be thankful to hear this: second week of school only and my department has already administered 3 diagnostic tests, 1 Information Technology assignment, 1 spelling test, afternoon supplementary and remedial lessons! You can imagine my marking load and the tight deadline means that every night, I do laundy and marking till past midnight? Do you envy my life? Hahahaaa!
Mercifully, my kids are behaving and responding to my new schedules for them in 2009. Brainiac has decided to join his brother in Rugby, so that means that they have one another to tackle CCA after school and thence come home together. One newly initiated Sec 1 chappie surprised me with his maturity at commuting by public transport, although I had to "rescue' him one night when he slept on the bus and missed his stop! The older girls have been wonderful. For 2009, they have shown that they can handle ironing and sewing. Hmmmm . . . now to train them to wash, cook and clean house!
The Significant Other has been egging the boys on about body toning. Hahaaaaa .... something about building 6-packs and attracting girlfrends! He's bought new dumb bells for the boys, and hair gel to share when they go impress chio-gals! Tsk . . tsk....!
So when will your JAE results be made known?
Good luck, people! Another phase of your journey begins. Waste not!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Mr Quan indeed!
Despite my self-introduction, some of my new students addresed me as "Mrs Quan", "Miss Quek" and one class even greeted me "Mr Quan"!! Tell me, am I missing out on some changes to my physical appearance??
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